Thursday, December 17, 2009

What a Christmas!

In life we all face some hard, sad times. But why @ Christmas. Isn't Christmas supposed to be a happy time of year, to be with the ones you love.. To be surrounded by laughter, happiness, and FAMILY. Well this christmas isn't that for us in the Breti house. As much as we will smile for the kids, pretend to be happy with our extended family, and show excitement and enthusiam doing things we don't feel like doing. A very close friend of our family was diagnosed with Cancer, approximately 1 month ago. After a short battle with Cancer, we have been told it won't be much longer. Each minute, hour and day goes by and we wait. We wait, because we know it won't get better. We know he can't get better, and that is the part that is horrible. Its Christmas. How can someone be sick @ Christmas. I know this world we live it, doesn't care what day it is to bring on bad news, or make it a time of sadness, but why. It is so unfair. Every day he hangs on, and we all wait. Cherishing every moment, every second we can have. Asleep or awake, the moments are all anyone can have, and everyone wants each and every moment. Thanks for the Memories. There are so many of them. Bacon and Eggs, will never again be eaten in our home without your memory. Who else made me bacon and eggs every morning when I was a little girl. That was you! Who danced with me in the kitchen and taught me the wonderful 60's tunes you loved so much. Who danced like the wind, and almost had me on the floor cause I couldn't keep up. Again you..... Even now as an adult, I continue to look up to you, not just as a friend of our family, but as another family.... An extended family..... I have so many memories that I will cherish forever. I will hold on to each of them. I would not be the person I am today, without each and every one of you....... And in this hard time, I hope you all know, I am always here........

I would like to thank everyone for understanding. I am trying as hard as I can to get editing done and handed out prior to christmas.



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