Monday, February 15, 2010

Canada in February

Ok, so you are all probably thinking "HUH" as my friends were too when I referred to Saturday being Canada day! I will admit I have had an ear infection for a few days, and these inner ear problems make me say some crazy stuff. So we all just laughed it off. However, the more I thought about it, the more I felt it was CANADA DAY in February. With the Olympics beginning, for VANCOUVER 2010 winnipeg, and every other place in Canada was buzzing and VERY PROUD TO BE CANADIAN. It may not be Canada's Birthday day, but it was a proud day to be apart of all the excitement. Not only was it the beginning of 2010 olympics, but it was also Festival Du Voyageur @ lovely Fort Gibraltor. I have to admit again that I have not been to this winnipeg Winter attraction since I was a young girl in Elementary school. With the persistance of friends, my husband and I decided to check it out. What a great time! Cariboo wine, served in ice block mugs (HOW COOL IS THAT) and fabulous french entertainment. (I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND A WORD OF IT, but it is my family background) Here is some pics, to remind us all of how great our city really is........ WINTERPEG is a great place to live! :)


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