Accidents Happen
Well if you aren't on my facebook, then you probably haven't heard about my freak accident! On February 26th 2010 I came home from my day job, after picking my 4 year old son up from daycare. Our newest puppy to our dog family Dexter was barking at our neighbor (which he loves to do, bark at anything that makes a peep) I grabbed his collar to bring him toward the house and bring him inside! All would have been well if he didn't decide to take off running in the other direction while my middle finger was still in his collar! He twisted and kept twisting, locking my finger in and turning it. In a desperate attempt to get my finger out without our 30 lb labrador breaking my ARM, I pulled my finger out, and immediately tried to move it. Well lets just say my legs went weak, and I saw double, as my finger wasn't bending back and forth but side - side! OUCH! My husband took me to Concordia Hospital where we waited 5 hours to find out that I managed a severe break, and that surgery would be required! The next day I spent another 6 hours at Health Science Center to see a plastic surgeon who could FIX me, and was then told the break was rare, that a senior surgeon would need to look at my XRAYS and call me with word on when and what type of surgery I would need! On Thursday March 4th, I was lucky to have Dr.Hayakawa operate on my finger and install a screw to help me manage that finger again! Thanks to a great doctor and the Pan Am Clinic I was able to have this done in a very timely fashion! Now almost 1 week later I have the full cast removed and a spint that is way lighter and not so itchy! I am well on my way to recovery! Now I await my 6 weeks of Therapy with Kendra @ The Health Science Center Occupational Therapy department.
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