Fire in Transcona
This afternoon as I sat quietly editing a boudoir shoot @ my computer, I heard the normal sound of sirens. I didn't think anything of it, till from the glare of my window behind my computer I saw a fire truck pass by, and the sirens were now very loud. I went to our front window, to see everyone's WORST nightmare. Smoke billowing out from a house 2 doors down and across the street. Maybe its my country upbringing, but I threw on my jacket and went outside to see if there was anything I could do. Obviously I am not a firefighter, paramedic or anyone who could help with the situation, till I saw a tiny little girl in just a jacket, and boots shivering and so very affraid. I found the home owners, who were ofcourse experiencing the worst thing you could, as I introduced myself, to this family I have never met offering to take their little daughter into my home to let her be warm. In the world we live in, these young parents were shocked, and you could tell very affraid. So mom and daughter came in. After a few minutes, mom felt safe to leave to go deal with everything, and here I sit with this little girl, who is just a barrel of laughs. Oh to be a child. No care in the world, just a need for apple juice and dora! :) So happy I could help somehow! :)
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