Baby Boy
Saturday following my fabulous Maternity Couple, I met baby "B" I must again thank this little ones mommy, & auntie for putting up with me, after my technical glitch during the shoot before them. Once they arrived, I literally had just hooked up the wireless equipment and fired 1 test shot to make sure it was all working. Talk about timing! This little guy is what some of us photographers refer to as OLDBORN. Not under the 2 week age for the poses that make them look like spaghetti, or putty in our hands, yet not old enough to sit, stand, or help us much in certain positions. Baby B did a great job. He started off the shoot like a weee little newborn, and then after to much moving around, he awoke, and decided, I am staying awake for this, what are you people doing to me! LOL. Baby B is definately a cutie, have a peak @ just some of the images we took!
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